Look, I'm not going to lie to you folks, I freaking LOVE a cheeky discount code and that "love" was all in capital letters so you know it's true.
Sometimes I feel a bit embarrassed about how long I will search the web for a free delivery pizza coupon or free shipping on my latest purchase... The obsession is real, it's extreme, but now I'm turning my love for a bargain on to you!
Here you will find every sneaky discount code or sign up link to give you $$$'s off and in return I earn a small commission for directing or referring you. I feel so lucky to be able to offer you this for services that I use all the time and love, so I hope you make the most of it.
This is what I call a win win!!
If you've never used AirBnB before I recommend that you should! I find it amazing when on tour performing and find that it's a great way to save money on accommodation and live a little more authentically where ever you may be. Click here to sign up using my link and receive $50 off your first stay! Gah! Too good to be true! (But it is true!)
Whether you like it or not, Uber is everywhere. If you're new to the world of ridesharing via an app Uber is user friendly and so god damn easy. I find it especially useful when in a country where I don't understand the language. And hey, it's cheaper than a taxi too!
Enter my code for $$ off (amount varies on location) when you sign up:
Couple of hot tips: if you're planning to Uber from the airport just make sure you quickly google if Uber is legally allowed to pick you up and for the love of god do not use Uber in Bali! The locals will hate you!
Of course there is UberEats too, which has been keeping me alive since 2018. Thank you UberEats. Love from a not-very-good-cook xoxo
Sign up with my UberEats code for even $10 off your first order!
Bon apetite!
Someone said to me recently, "is a hotel even a hotel if it's not on booking.com!?" I have to agree. I had always been skeptical over third party websites but after traveling around Bali and using it more I think I might be a full blown convert!
Now unfortunately I can't offer you any discounts on top of the already heavily discounted booking.com hotels, but if you book by clicking here, using the search engine below or using any of my links I will receive a very small (read: very, very, very, very small) commission.
Thanks for supporting me! It means the world!
This list wouldn't be complete without a pizza discount code would it!
Use the code word:
for free delivery every Tuesday!
for free gelato every Wednesday!
I'll be updating this list every time something new comes along, so make sure you bookmark it and check back regularly!